【閱讀】Follow me

「follow me 攝影介紹」的圖片搜尋結果

因為一次俄羅斯攝影師 Murad 與女友 Nataly Zakharova 在巴塞隆納度假時, Murad 被美景所吸引而不停的拍照,導致女友一氣之下決定直接拉著他走,但這樣並沒有停止 Murad 繼續拍照,反而觸發了這一系列的攝影作品,名為「Follow me」(跟我來),並上傳到他的 Instagram 相簿上。一張張甜蜜的牽手照,風靡世界。

從 2011 年開始到現在,這對情侶檔,用四年多的時間到許多不同的國家及景點旅遊,包括一些世界上最有名的、充滿異國情調的地方,像是倫敦的大笨鐘(Big Ben)、香港迪士尼樂園的睡美人城堡、巴厘島瀑布⋯⋯,拍下「Follow me」(跟我來)系列攝影集。

妻子 Nataly 感性說著:「這趟旅行中,我們看見地球上最隱密的地方。我們總在尋找不會改變的風景、溫暖與愛。但不論經歷幾次旅遊,我了解到找到最美風景前,你要先找到自己。從自己眼中看見世界,從世界眼中看見自己。」

Photographer Captures Girlfriend Leading Him Around the World eubE8nk

Photographer Captures Girlfriend Leading Him Around the World f1nXyDy

Photographer Captures Girlfriend Leading Him Around the World cKROELF

Photographer Captures Girlfriend Leading Him Around the World G4gACFt

Photographer Captures Girlfriend Leading Him Around the World oYi6JCu

Photographer Captures Girlfriend Leading Him Around the World 8OlE8ku

Photographer Captures Girlfriend Leading Him Around the World ImLb9qp

Photographer Captures Girlfriend Leading Him Around the World CZYTQ7b

Photographer Captures Girlfriend Leading Him Around the World zou6mJa

Photographer Captures Girlfriend Leading Him Around the World vaMjn9F

Photographer Captures Girlfriend Leading Him Around the World PUXIYHn

Photographer Captures Girlfriend Leading Him Around the World SZKfr7J



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